Review by Joy Gellatly

The Good Fight 2017

I have been watching The Good Fight since it's spin-off from The Good Wife. I watched it also and loved it. Followed Christine Baranski right to The Good Fight. She certainly could carry this show with no problem but it was good to see Sarah Steele and Nyambi Nyambi. These folks seem to blend well together on the small screen. I would love to see Cush Jumbo as a regular, but Audra McDonald is a great addition to the cast. (I actually saw Audra McDonald perform a one-woman show on Broadway as Billie Holiday - fantastic performance). I agree the writers can get w-a-y left-leaning, but they did throw in a staunch right-winger played by Gary Cole. The dialogue is well written & delivered. Some outright humorous & some meant to be humorous, depending on what side of the ballot you push. If you can handle the overtly elephant-party bashing & comments and just watch it for the value of good actors doing their jobs and delivering good performances - then this show is a good one. If not, skip it - your head will explode.

Full Disclosure - - This series' storylines are mostly contradictions to my thoughts on many real world topics. Not all, but most. So why do I, every week, use an hour of my time to watch it, you might ask! Well, I am level-headed and secure in my thoughts and convictions. There is nothing a group of people who are getting paid to pretend to be something they are not, purely for entertainment purposes, can change my mind about. I enjoy their work as actors, therefore, I tune in and get entertained. Unlike many folks of a different mindset, I do not feel that if I don't agree with a message being broadcast by a TV series, then no one should be able to hear/see it. I simply turn the channel. I have learned in my old age there are people who can't seem to do this.

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