Have people not realize yet that this is a low stakes, stand-alone kind of show?
"adds nothing to the MCU". No shit!
Does everything have to be fucking connected? Lighten up, DUDES.

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Huh?? This show doesn’t add to anything! We’re on episode 5 and absolutely nothing has happened in this show.

@wingedmando That's literally what he just said, that one flew right over your head.

@the_argentinian Yeah... so true
And it was even announced back then that this phase would be this way. They wouldn't start another saga just after the infinity one.


Reply by Manuel de la Fuente
Blocked2022-09-24T10:02:21Z— updated 2022-09-25T18:13:51Z

@senhorlampada I see your review is a reply to mine that you wrote without even understanding what I meant.

When I said that "[it] adds nothing to the MCU" I wasn't asking it to be connected, I meant what's the purpose of existence of this show and of this episode in particular, what it brings of value to the MCU that it didn't have.

Take the Netflix shows for example. They're pretty disconnected from the larger MCU, yet they gave us compelling stories and well-done characters with a different tone from that of the movies, bringing diversification and quality to the larger universe. That's what they add to the MCU.

But this episode? It's only a filler story that was completely unnecessary for the show; and despite the fact that it DOES make references to the larger universe (did you miss that?), far from contributing anything positive, it only turns every element that it touches into an embarrassing childish mockery of itself.

I know the purpose of the show is to be a low-stakes comedy, but low stakes is not synonymous with low quality, and this is low quality.

It doesn't add, it subtracts. The show was better without this episode and the MCU was better without this show.
