Poor JFK lol he’s going to meet the same fate as his great grandchild

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What?! Dude read up on your basic history. An alarming number of the Kennedy’s met with early and violent deaths. There was even a ding in the 80s named "Glad I’m Not A Kennedy" - and that was before JFK Jnr (son, nor grandson) died in the plane crash.

The couple had four children: only one survies today. Their first child, Arabella, was stillborn. JFK Jr died in a plane crash with his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister Lauren, who also died. They had no children. The fourth child, Patrick, died at only two days old due to complications from birth.
Caroline’s only son must be the grandson to whom you refer. But I have no idea what comparison you are attempting to draw. This isn’t a rude post - I’m genuinely curious?!
