Review by Kalebe Alves

Thor: Love and Thunder 2022

This was a fun movie. Go watch, it doesn't matter what people scrape to say. I find it amazing how are people so eager to diss the movie just because it had too many jokes, or didn't resonate with their expectations.
It didn't with mine, and the movies is still good, the jokes are overdone indeed, and if you really dislike that, then it's not a movie for you. It is clear that it was their intention to make so many silly scenes like that.

It's not perfect indeed, the whole romance timeline is kinda strange. There's room to put "it" in the whole saga story but it felt kinda retconned. I really hoped to see more from Nathalie in this movie, or in the next ones. The fighting scenes lacked a bit. The music choices, even though being great songs, didn't match well with a lot of scenes but to be honest, I don't care much. It was fun, enjoyable, and the main vilan, was not good but it was miles better the the other Thor movies(not counting Loki which was always like a third narrative wheel).

One thing I didn't like though, (major spoilers, if you care about the ending stay away) not because I dislike "bad endings", cause I usually do like them, but it's the second movie in a row that they kinda loose, but mostly all ends well. It's not fun to have them winning always, but AGAIN, twice now after doctor strange, and so close, I don't know... it felt kinda cheap. It is like they were aiming for a bitter ending but didn quite have the courage, budget nor the greenlight for a second "endgame".
And come to think again, it was exactly like doctor stranges ending... "Oh, I realize what you really needed all along... It's up to you now...". Really annoying. We saw rows of good endings.. I thin now we have to bear the loosing good ending.

But then again.. the whole thing with Jane picking up the mijonir even though she knew what it meant... I'm not gonna lie... even though it was reeeally cheap, it made me a bit sad. specially cause I was really sure that Thor would endup making the wish... I was as sure as I could be that that would be the end.

And that's where I came up with this "theory"... Bear with me... I think he secretly wished GROor killed all the gods so he could go to valhala with Jane. I know it sounds far fetched... But after all they went through with Thanos... To just toss their chances to some dude they didn't even know, and worst, was on that killing spree, I don't know... It doesn't make any sense to me. As soon as the sword was broken, he would have gone for groors head... He knew that after the whole Thanos incident... Maybe he was tired to live, idk, which throws me back to my crazy theory hahaha.
If you come to think... It was almost the second time he should have finished his enemy, but didn't, and now the consequences could have as worse as before if groor's wish was different than his whole speech about god's.

But anyway. It's good movie.. go watch it.

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