Shiv (being ushered out by Kendall) : Is everything okay?

Kendall: No, uh. We are on the brink of total corporate collapse

Shiv (eyeing Kendall): Yeah, well that figures... (leaving) Well, call me if you go Lehmann-- 'might want some of these chairs.

This episode gets more into the "oh shit" mode, and diving into conspiracies, so it lays off on the sardonic humor. But it's still there

My fears about Jeremy Strong and Kendall have been addressed. He may still be a Skull and Bones coke head frat bro, but he's shaping up to being interesting under fire, if not necessarily actually effective as CEO, and I can see him leading the show, along with Cox.
The intrigue deepens, both with Marcia, and some outside scheming with Kendall's jag-off equity partner, Stewy. Rava seems to be just personal drama for Kendall, so far.

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