Review by Federico Di Crescenzo

The Sandman 2022

So happy to finally witness a tv success from Neil Gaiman. Sandman is one of my favourite comic books ever and this show fully respects the atmosphere and the solemnity of the Endless. We all were orphans of the greatness of the first season of American Gods, the only other tv product that truly expressed Gaiman's language, but this time it was much more difficult due to the original medium.

I'd like to spend a few words about the theme of diversity. I'll admit it, when i saw Kirby Howell-Baptiste casted as Death I was a bit disappointed at first and in general the high diversity of the full cast, because I was very afraid that Netflix forced the production - as it often does - to smash tokens on scripts only in order to avoid any racism allegation, but my judgement was obviously suspended because I trust Neil. And I'm happy to confirm that my expectations were satisfied, there's plenty of characters that have been casted with black actors but none of that felt forced or changed the balance of the story, imho for one simple reason: because the original comic was years ahead of its time and was already very inclusive. He already was successful in narrating the wide range of people living in metropolises, telling us the deep thoughts and feelings of the human being regardless of gender, ethnicity or age.

There's a huge difference between changing the ethnicity of a character in an adaptation because you need diversity and changing it because it doesn't f'ing matters .

Chapeau Neil, you did it. I love you.

P.s. If you appreciated this first season go and buy the comics, you definitely won't regret it.
P.p.s. I so want to hear from other people, really would enjoy a good chat over the show!

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