Shout by Andrew Bloom

Futurama: Season 2

2x12 Raging Bender


Shout by Andrew Bloom

[7.0/10] Not the greatest Futurama episode of all time, but certainly watchable with some solid gags. If you’re a pro-wrestling fan like me, you’ll appreciate the gags poking fun at the sport, especially the jerky bad guys who are either rich pricks or foreign heels. The running jokes about Hermes and eventually Fry being plagued by creatures from the Brain Slug Planet are worth a laugh. And the banter between Rich Little and George Foreman brings a few yuks as well.

The story in this one, though, is lumpy as hell. You have a vague arc of Bender accidentally falling into Ultimate Robot Fighting, getting popular, and then seeing his start fade. But it’s mainly a thin storyline to hang jokes on, which are a bit hit or miss. Likewise, you have Leela being disregarded by her old sensei because of her gender, only to kick his ass when it counts, but even that is pretty threadbare.

Overall, there’s a few memorable lines and bits in this one, but it’s not the finest hour for the show by any stretch.

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