Shout by Morgana Lefay

Thor: Love and Thunder 2022

This was fun to watch!
Natalie Portman looks great in the suit and kicks some major ass.
The soundtrack is great. Gotta say, I got really excited when the Guns N' Roses songs came out - it's one of my favourite bands and they mixed them awesomely with the scenes in question (extra points for the AFD poster on the wall and the kid wanting to change his name to Axl) .
The goats...I can't deal with them! Cracked me up every time!
Oh, and of course, Mr. Bale (though I like all the Marvel movies, he was the main reason I watched this, to be honest). I have never seen him deliver a bad performance and this was still not it. He looked creepy as hell.
There's some cringe humor moments at times, yes, but, in general, it think it's good fun, getting serious when it needs to be.

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