I am not an avid Trekkie, rather, someone who mostly joined in in the last decade, therefore I am not the one to compare Strange New Worlds to the classic Star Trek experience. What I can compare it to, though, are the newer ST series and movies, and in my opinion, Strange New Worlds is a nice new breeze that takes itself less seriously than Discovery or Picard but still manages to be great sci-fi and dramatic enough.
By the last seasons, I found the big speeches and plot armor in Discovery quite annoying, and I thoroughly enjoy the lack of these here. The captain actually sends the crew to missions; it's not Pike or not only Pike that always saves the day. Moreover, it's not the fate of the entire galaxy that depends on this one ship in every episode, which is also a breath of fresh air. The episodic style works, and thankfully, here, we have "fillers" that let the crew, the story, and the viewers breathe and have a little bit of fun in between intense episodes and parts.
Can't wait for season 2, I hope they keep this up!

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