Review by wpafbo79

The Dark Knight Rises 2012

From the beginning of the movie, we see how stupid the rest is going to be. The entire sequence with Bane and the airplane is just stupid. Even after 10 years, this movie, and the trilogy at large, is mostly rubbish.

It really is too bad that such a phenomenal cast is wasted by the writers and director. There are some really great scenes. And there are some really horrible ones (like pretty much every scene with Bane in it).

The entire origin story for Bane is dumb. The mask and strength. And the tie-in with Miranda Tate as her protector when she was a child... so convenient.

Between the overly contrived point that Miranda is Ra's al Ghul's daughter, to the fact that a child can make a leap that a grown man can't despite being half the height and less muscular. So dumb.

And the fact that Wayne looks at the scars on Miranda's back and doesn't think anything of it, even though she effectively bought her was into his good graces to gain control of the company. Wow...

Also, if flooding the reactor was supposed to shut it down? Why not dump the core in the water instead of flying it away at a fairly slow speed? Oh, that's right, because flooding the reactor wouldn't really shut it down unless it was already off...a much simpler, and less expensive, fail-safe could have been used than an enormous flood chamber.

And speaking of speed, there were 90 seconds to fly 6 miles out over the water. At least 30 of that is spent putzing around flying between buildings instead of up and over them. That leaves 60 seconds to fly 6 miles. Not at the speed, that thing flies, which looks like it is barely 60 mph. That is a bit short of the required 360 mph speed needed to cover the distance. Kinda funny since those S.A.M.s were barely able to keep up even though the average S.A.M. speed is several thousand mph...

This movie is about 2 hours too long.

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