Shout by FinFan

Star Trek 1966

If you read my comments on episodes of Star Trek you'll find I've put many points of critique in. Why still give it a 10 ? Because for what it stands for. The kind of future it predicted. And for what it started. Althought that point no one could foreseen, or would have believed, they are still here in whatever form of show.

And a lot of critique stems from the fact I'm writing this over 50 years after it aired. I'm putting on a form of measurement that probably isn't justified. I've watched this show many times before, always enjoyed it, and still do. Even if I don't like certain aspects I still like this show as a whole. And there are episodes that I like today that I didn't before.

And that's one reacurring trademark of Star Trek for me - it changes everytime I watch it.

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