Shout by echelon_four

Thor: The Dark World 2013

What was the timeline of this movie? All the stuff with Jane on Asgard seemed like it took weeks, but then when we see Darcy next she is just figuring out where Selvig is. It seemed like a day, and they talked like it as a short period as well.
Also, where was SHIELD? Given the New York invasion, you think they would be on top of this stuff. Instead they let Selvig (a vital asset at the time of the Avengers) and Jane Foster (the expert in inter-dimensional travel and known interest of Thor's) run around England with no apparent supervision. Jane talks like she didn't like being oppressed by them, but Thor 1 ended with them supporting every aspect of her research. Even if she did escape them, they were just going to let her go and don't bother keeping tabs. Also that air-plane in Agents of Shield seems to be able to go anywhere in the world in a few hours but they don't bother to stop by and check on the anomalies that are clearly effecting London pretty badly. They had weeks to get there (or maybe it was hours, no clue).
I am a terrible nitpicker, these points probably aren't important.

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No, you are probably very right about just everything you said since I can totally relate to that. I am also watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that airplane thought was in my mind as well. There are one helluva plot holes and many things weren't really thought through, but that's the kind of downside one has to expect from superhero movies/tv shows.
However, it was not totally bad, it's still a great movie if one does not expect top-notch storyboards. ;)

Oh, I liked the movie. I just had these distracting thoughts during the whole movie that were difficult to put aside.
