I was the right age when this movie came out, 11 years old...

I was hooked, it was the best thing I had ever seen.

I'm now much older, there have been better films, more interesting stories, fancier CGI and greater acting.

But you know what, this film IS Star Wars.

It's Lucas' messy vision come to light, it's not perfect but it's a damn good watch, the universe feels real, there is a plot that reaches over 3 films and there is some fantastic sequences like the pod racing, naboo fighter space battle, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escaping an infiltrated starship, the setup for Darth Sidious and a damn near perfect execution of Jedi vs Sith.

This is exactly what a Star Wars film should be and it takes me back to watch it again today.

Will always bung this on and the rest of the saga up to episode 6. Everything beyond leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

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