Review by DRNKMNKY

Pacific Rim 2013


Review by DRNKMNKY

For me, Pacific Rim was a huge disappointment: I mainly bought the BluRay because the flick was directed by Guillermo del Toro (I really liked his first Hellboy movie) and because it had good ratings across all review sites (e.g. currently 74% at Trakt). However, my excited anticipation vanished in no time: I THINK del Toro wanted the Kaiju to be seen as evil monsters that inspire fear and rage in the audience and therefore their slaughter by the Jaegers to be seen as just and noble. However, I never had mercy with mankind being attacked by the Kaiju and therefore never could identify with the glorified pilots of the Jaegers as the saviors of mankind. Additionally, after 15-30 minutes one knows exactly how the flick will end (the world is saved by a odd combination of two pilots in an old and decommissioned Jaeger based on a discovery by "Kaiju hippie" scientist). The sometimes laughable dialogs do not help either.

All in all this makes Pacific Rim an uninspired action flick I cannot recommend to anyone, even though the special effects are decent and their is a quite some action to be had. Why this movie is getting such good reviews I cannot understand: a German magazine wrote that Pacific Rim is an "exiting mixture of Transformers, Godzilla and Inception". And while the references are not altogether wrong, it lacks in many ways because Transformers and Inception are both out of league for Pacific Rim and the word "exiting" is just wrong when talking about this flick!

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