Shout by Dann Michalski

Incredibles 2 2018

Pixar continues sequelizing their hits with Incredibles 2, a fun and entertaining animated superhero film. When tech mogul Winston Deavor sees the superhero family The Incredibles saving the city he makes them an offer to partner with them and use his resources to help them improve their public image and get the ban on superheroes repealed. The animation is really crisp and colorful, and features a host of new superheroes with interesting character designs. However, the plot is rather formulaic and predictable, though not entirely in a bad way. Also, the comedy, while a little broad and slapstickly, still delivers a lot of laughs and there are some clever bits of satire. And, Michael Giacchino provides a pretty good score that compliments the tone and aesthetic of the film. Ambitious and action-packed, Incredibles 2 is a worthy sequel to one of Pixar’s landmark films.

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