One of the best episodes of the series.

Also, this episodes introduce the Klingons and, althought their appearance will chance through the years, they are here to stay. But Colicos already shows many traits of the Klingons in his brilliant portrayal of Kor.

Of course this episode is very political. It's an allusion to Vietnam where the Federation acts as the US - with Kirk arrogantly proclaming how they can help them and bringing them progress and values - and the Klingons playing the role of the Communists. Who, according to Kirk, are evil war mongerers who only conquer and suppress. Crushing free will and liberty. Of course they both don't really care about the Organians. They want the planet because it has startegic importance in getting an advantage over your opponent. It's a battle of systems threatening to turn into an all out war where everyone thinks he has a right to battle.

But the Organians are having none of it. They resist by not resisting and it turns out they are far more superior than either the Federation or the Klingons could imagine. They're are telling both sides there is no right to wage war and prevent both sides from battleing each other. I'd enjoy how they put both, but especially Kirk, at their place. Would be nice to have some Organians for real.

This all lead then to the Treaty of Organia and the end of the war. So, not only an important message but also an important episode in Star Trek mythology.

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