Review by Shubes

Unforgiven 1992

I really wanted to be blown away by this one; it had been so many years since I'd first watched this one I had forgotten pretty much everything about it. So when I watched it again, I was really expecting - and hoping - to be completely floored. I mean, Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman....How can you go wrong? In spite of all the naysayers and haters, it wasn't Eastwood's direction or the so-called "cliches" (whatever that comment is supposed to mean? :rolling_eyes: ) that took the shine off for me; rather, it was the 2 hours of plodding story all crammed into one very-expected 10-minute conclusion. I remember gearing up for what I knew would be the "big scene" and literally thinking "What's going to happen after this? There's still a lot of movie left..." Sadly, I was mistaken: there WAS nothing left, and the "big scene" just happened, and then...roll credits. Huh? That's it? That's all there was?!! I had just sat through 2 hours of slow-moving old cowboys with a rambling dialogue and a tough-guy-wanna-be kid who, in spite of his blustering bravado, you knew had never pulled a trigger... And then poof! it all vanished in the final 10 minutes. The scenery was gorgeous, the storyline was good (but soooooooooo slow), and the acting was superb (to be expected), but dang if they didn't ruin it all by jamming EVERYTHING into the last couple minutes. I really wanted to love this Clint Eastwood classic western but I feel like it just fell flat with that abrupt ending. Sorry, Clint... I love you, pal, but this one just fell short.

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