Shout by Lars Sieval

The Northman 2022

"I will avenge you, Father! I will save you, Mother! I will kill you, Fjölnir!"

Even though the Northman felt a little bit long it never bored me. The soundtrack, the visuals, Alexander Skarsgård performance as Amleth, Willem Dafoe is always a treat, the final fight near all the lava and I just love the viking mythology.

Robert Eggers third film is another unique one and I just can't wait see what he has in store next. The Northman also showed me that I would like to see Alexander Skarsgård in more films. But I also realize if I would've watched this with some friends they won't think of it as highly as I do. I think the Northman is more a film for people who are really into movies.

Maybe it could be one that offers them another experience and show them what movies can be. Maybe that will be an idea for when I get this on blu-ray. Watch it with some friends who usually watch Marvel or big action blockbusters and ask them what they think of it. I wonder...

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