Shout by RiGHT

Army of the Dead 2021

Loads of gore. A bit too much for my taste. Some funny parts in there, but overall the movie just made no sense at all. Huge plot holes, for as far as there was a plot. The whole story around Kate having the need to save Geeta was nonsense, with all the facts around that... Especially Kate walking around alone in between hordes of zombies, going into a huge building and just by pure luck (?) finding what she is looking for, etc etc. Probably the worst part of this movie from a plot point of view. But it was so nonsense that it brings down the rest of the story also, even further. Too bad and not needed. Everything else was extremely predictable. Too predictable.

Overall maybe it's an enjoyable zombie movie if that's really your thing.
But for me, the movie made me feel sad and perhaps even a bit depressed. Too negative and pointless.

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