Shout by FinFan

The old dream of immortality. A civilization building machines that ultimately will overcome them. The moral questions of playing god for the greater good. All those are typical traits of scifi that will be used again throught all of Star Trek.

And they did it well here. Sure, on a rewatch, when you already know the story, the revelations in the plot don't work that well. But I remember they did on my first watch.

I like Ted Cassidy in here a lot. He's an intimidating figure and it's very easy to believe he can throw Kirk around like a puppet. I'm not sure what the title refers to. My guess is the "little girl" is Andrea and since the androids are made from some gooey mass.... well, makes as much sense as anything I guess. But she was crucial for the story in that she started to display feeling. And that ultimately led to their doom. There's another metapher to think about.

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