Although this episode shows us some interesting things about the characters of Kirk and Spock, I always viewed this episode as one of the weaker ones. Not just of the Classic series but of all Star Trek.

A barechested Sulu hunting Richelieu, "Captain" Riley singing and ordering ice-cream - well let's just say I find many things here rather weak even for 60s TV. Also the time it takes for the virus to influence the characters is very much dictated by the script. Some get it rather fast while others take longer but then instantly react to it. There is the interesting monologue from Tormolen that mankind has no business being in space and doesn't belong there. Which, funny enough, just now reminds me of what Q said about humans.

And then they throw in the short time travel at the end aaaaand just leave it there.

This plot will then be picked up by TNG and the story replicated, and also at the beginning of the show. Which I also think is one of the worst episodes.

Go figure.

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