Review by ladysherlockian

Succession: Season 1

1x05 I Went to Market

It was quite a good episode, rather tense, suspenseful and full of intrigues. It seems to me that Tom is definitely using Greg and not treating him fair, though it looked like Greg has copied some of the incriminating documents he was meant to destroy. He seems a bit naive and it may get into huge trouble if he makes a mistake. Tom himself is not happy about pre-nup with Shiv, I got the impression that it is implied in the pre-nup she can cheat on him but he cannot so he is used by her in turn. Kendall is concerned about his dad not being in his right senses and possibly destroying the company, so he tries to find allies to support the vote of no confidence against Logan, however, it backfires after his talk with Logan's estranged brother Ewan. Ewan himself if quite an interesting character, the details of the feud between the brothers is not explained but it seems that Ewan is very principled and loyal, even to his brother as he does not want to support the non-confidence vote. The quarrel between the brothers was a great scene. Logan also gets aggressive as he hits one of Kendall's kids when he loses the eponymous "I went to market" game. Marcia looks rather positive, caring for Logan and playing the peacemaker in the family, but I still don't know what her endgame is. I guess these are all of the highlights of the episode. I was in a bit of doubt about the show, but this was a good one.

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