Review by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana


Season 2

76 | This show is so great. This season is much better than before. It was tenser and every scene was straightforward without wasting any time. They use the one-hour length wisely and effectively. The writer and all of the people behind this show know more about what to do with this show than in season 1. All of the characters have their portion enough and the main focus was not overdone. The main story of each episode cleverly builds up until the climax in the end.

Season 2 felt different than season 1, it has a darker tone and the acting is better. It was tense, full of surprises, interesting, deep, and intriguing. Since Del's death, this show's quality is just much more leveled up. The butterfly effect just keeps going hunting Marty and all of his partners. The boat is shaking, some try to keep the boat steady, some consider leaving the boat and some already swim to another boat. Everyone's loyalty is tested and every move should be well thought out. Some characters that we already knew before but not much explored and new characters were well introduced. Many small conflicts and obstacles that happened were enough to develop each of the characters perfectly. From Petty that on the way to get his redemption because of his soft heart for his ma. He got a tragic conclusion that wrapped up his story well enough. Wyatt's grief that overwhelmed his mind also got a good conclusion. Cade's impulse behavior that destroyed his daughter's life also got a good ending. We got more backstory of Buddy with his big connection in the past. Buddy shared his experience and taught Marty and Wendy. There was also a nice moment with Cade who did the same thing to Ruth. Cade Langmore is Ruth's real daddy, but we all know Marty was the real father figure for Ruth. The only poor character in this season was Rachel. Her condition in this season 2 was different than in season 1.

The main focus of the second season is Wendy's character development. Wendy is the MVP. She did almost all the work while Marty only sit and worked out the usual boring stuff. Wendy is good at politics. The political element in this show has a bit of similarity to House of Cards and it puts Byrde in the bigger stakes. Wendy Bryde is bloody damn cold dealing with that stakes. She could control her emotion and think logically. She is smarter and more powerful than Marty. Moving to another Brydes, in season 2, Ozark finally gave Marty proper character development. Many of the people he trusted betrayed him plus what happened in this season would make him a different person. He no longer recognized his wife even.

Marriage could be a tricky thing sometimes. For one or ten years after marriage probably it would be going fine, but the husband and wife commit for the rest of their life together. It is just a matter of time, there would be problems or conflicts in the marriage. It could be worse if it is regarding their kid. Marty and Wendy through a lot in this season 2, and problems just won't stop coming to them. With Charlotte who has never matured yet, she could make Brydes killed because of her stupidity. Marriage also tested the Snells. Darlene is just a pain in the ass for Jacob lately. When a marriage does not work husband and wife tried to keep it together and make it intact as best as they can, but when it gets out of hand there will be divorce. In Snell's case, divorce was not enough. Their problems were bigger than average husbands and wives. Love could be a tricky thing sometimes. Once you are blind by it, there is no coming back. If you tried to stop it, you should be ready to give up on your half soul.

This season has moral values that questioned us as humans. What made sin a sin? And what made a good deed a good deed? The truth is no marked path distinguishes both of them. The good path is so hidden that humans sometimes misjudge and choose the path that seems to be the only way for them. There always will be an ongoing debate about being smart because sometimes that would make humans seem heartless. But that's the only way to survive, especially in this world. Probably that is why "good, kind people" always lose.......because they belong in heaven. Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?

Let's take a moment of silence for all of the fallen heroes that somehow helped our family. Brydes has their hero so did us.

My Instagram: @moviemanner

Rating: 75.19

Favorite Episodes

88.25: E4 I Stag
83.88: E5 I Game Day
79.50: E10 I The Gold Coast
76.88: E6 I Outer Darkness
76.00: E7 I One Way Out

Favorite Characters

70.45: Wendy Byrde
63.64: Martin 'Marty' Byrde
58.50: Ruth Langmore
58.33: Rachel
72.50: Jacob Snell

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