We live in a time where seemingly everyone is fixated on past traumas, both real and/or imagined, yet, what they fail to realize is, that focusing on what has past rather than forgiving and forgetting, that is, moving forward, is what ACTUALLY dooms one to repetition. "A righteous man falls down 7 times, yet, he still gets up, but the wicked stumble in bad times".... Proverbs 24:16

Rather than having to correct some wrong, this season appears to have Nadia and Alan looking at different aspects of their lives through the lens of their own psyche's, to see that spending too much time focused on the "what if's" and the "what could be's, rather than rolling with the punches and realizing that sometimes, it simply really "is what it is", and "whatever will be will be".

Nadia, especially, fought hard to change things for the better by undoing a selfish act that changed her families fortunes, yet, once again found herself in a ...."bioaquadooloop", back where she started, until she realized that all the bs she went through was necessary to make her (and by extension those in her sphere) who she is in the present, just as the things her mother did affected who HER mother was, and so on back through time.

The wise man Solomon said: “I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) ...

This is the journey of self discovery that Nadia and to a lesser extent Alan had to go through this season. We ALL have moments in time where we feel a "do over" would be welcome, but, we often fail to consider the "butterfly effect" that may have on everyone and everything else.

...As Satchel page famously said...,"Don't look back, cuz there might be something gaining on you"...

And now, a selection from the choir......

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@paladin5150 thanks for that thoughtful and insightful analysis! Illuminating Biblical references on Trakt, usually home to "BORING. too talky, needs more action"-type comments. Whatever next?

@tesbreag - No, Thank YOU for taking the time to read and actually COMPREHEND what I was trying to say. Wasn't trying to preach, but sometimes there are ancient examples of our modern problems, and, the solutions are right there if we just look.
