Shout by andrew nunes

The Leftovers: Season 1

1x05 Gladys

i'm missing something and i don't know what it is exactly... i'm not connecting with these characters and these situations in the highest level of concern. it's all kinda distant. the whole gayle situation and the sheriff's family... it's just uninteresting. i really hope to get some answers soon.

oh, and kevin is a fascist. terrible way to treat the laundry man.

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Potential spoilers ahead if you consider discussion of overall theme a spoiler (I mean I do, so I understand)...



It's a show about a bunch of things, but most of them are ideas. It's about grief and how we respond as individuals, and it's about mass grief and how we respond as a society, and connected to that is its critique of how we, the real world, responded in the wake of 9/11, about how government agencies used the collective grief and developing fear to encroach on freedoms, how people performed their grief in the expectation of it, and how others refused to perform, or didn't know how to react (see, for that last category in particular, teenagers).

You may not connect with any of those themes and I'm not here to tell you you're wrong. But I think if you don't connect with them (or some of the others I haven't mentioned; the show is really layered and there's no way I'm taking all of it in), you just might not connect with the show.

But it's worth trying.

(And yeah I pretty much agree with the spoiler.)
