89 | What a powerful movie to end a trilogy. When he out of his cave was the most hype moment that a film could give. Bane as a villain has a good performance just a little bit below Joker from The Dark Knight. But what was made The Dark Knight Rises interesting is the stake that even bigger than The Dark Knight. Bane successfully made Gotham city a failed state that concerns national security. This film is an amazing tribute not only to Batman's character but also to all the unknown heroes all over the world. Unfortunately, there was a bit problem that made The Dark Knight Rises less superior than The Dark Knight which is the editing. It feels choppy sometimes, especially the aspect ratio transition. But that minus point could easily be forgotten with the content of the story that this film gave. It was a hard and beautiful goodbye for Nolan's version of the Batman trilogy. It has an ambiguous ending that let us as the audience decide which feeling we want to have about The Batman.


Rating: 88.1


25%: 2.4
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.8
100%: 2.9

Favorite Characters

  1. Bruce Wayne / Batman: 2.8
  2. Bane: 2.6
  3. Selina Kyle / Catwoman: 2.4
  4. John Blake: 2.3
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