Man this was one fantastic season finale. Starting off the episode at Ben's funeral, everyone is feeling dejected, with Matt blaming himself for not saving these people and putting an end to Fisk's corrupt actions, despite everything Matt has done to try and stop Fisk, and with Karen blaming herself fro dragging Ben into this whole thing, believing it's her fault that he's dead (not gonna lie i kinda agree), though luckily Mrs. Urich reassured Karen that Ben wanted to do this, he wasn't pushed into anything he didn't enjoy, and he died doing what he loves. And Karen's still paranoid that Fisk will find out that she met with his mother, worried about what he'll do to her and the people she loves; Karen's fully bought the notion that there's nothing they could do against a man like Fisk, who controls everything and everyone.
On a brighter note, Matt and Nelson finally made up, agreeing to look towards the future together and deciding to use both law and vigilantism to take down Wilson Fisk. Luckily, thanks to Foggy working with Marci, they learned about Detective Hoffman, a man who knows way too much about Fisk and his dealings, and Nelson and Murdock's ticket to exposing Fisk. Also, regarding Wilson Fisk, looks like he's put two and two together and realized Gao and Owlsley were the ones who poisoned the drinks, and after confronting Owlsley he realized their after Vanessa. Luckily Gao was shrewd as ever and left way before this all went down, but sadly for Owlsley, Fisk was thirsty for blood after the man who almost killed Vanessa, with him killing Owlsley despite Owlsley having Hoffman as an out if he was dead.
I'm so glad Matt/Daredevil found Hoffman before Fisk's cops could kill him off, and now Nelson and Matt got Hoffman to publicly expose everything he knew about Fisk, leading to Fisk and everyone paid off and connected to him being jailed. Not gonna lie though, it was sad seeing Fisk being stripped away from Vanessa, its clear the two loved each-other very much, and she completed him in a way.
Things seemed to be going well for Matt, Karen, and Foggy, with them becoming a team again, and with them finally exposing who Fisk really is, but of course arresting Fisk doesn't erase the effects from everything he's done, and of course Fisk wouldn't go down without a fight, with Fisk paying off his solider men to drop him off where Vanessa's located, so they can fly off into another country.
Luckily, Daredevil was on the scene, and this time with his new armor, and man was the fight between Fisk and Daredevil beautiful. It was simultaneously an ideological battle, with them both wanting to change this city into something new, rid the city of everything corrupt about it, but both of them have opposing ideas of how to approach that goal, two sides of the same coin. And Fisk blames Daredevil for ruining everything Fisk was working towards, with Fisk now giving up on the city and wanting it to die in its own filth and corruption, whereas Matt still views the city as his own, something he wants to change and bring justice to. The fighting was intense, brutal, and bloody, and I'm glad Matt was able to win in the end, and instead of killing Fisk deciding to have Fisk arrested by Sergent Brett (the seemingly only good cop in this show). Though now it seems Brett knows Daredevil is Matt, wonder what that's going to spell for the future.
Man Fisk was one terrifying villain this season, and I loved the dialogue between him and the soldiers in that truck, with Fisk using religious allegory to describe the kind of monstrous person he is, the ill-intent that drove that man to start traveling, it was very fitting considering how much of Matt's character is shaped by his Catholic faith, and belief that there's a devil inside of him.

And man, I just gotta say some of the ending shots were beautiful, for one there's Matt looking down on the city in his Daredevil outfit, overseeing everything about the city almost as if it's his own. And also, the ending shot of Fisk, seeing him stare into a prison wall and start thinking about what's become of him, a callback to him as a child forced to look into the wall and think about what kind of man he wants to be, as his dad started beating his mother, and a painful reminder of the child abuse that's shaped Fisk into the man he is today.

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