Review by Lars Sieval

The Apartment 1960

"That's the way it crumbles... cookie-wise."

First time rewatching "The Apartment" since I first saw it and I just had joined Letterboxd with an account and I must say, it is still as great as it was then.

Billy Wilder knows people watching this know that 2 plus 2 is 4. He doesn't have to hold our hand to lead us through. That is why I simply love it that at the end Fran doesn't reply to Baxter's words and just tells him to play. I love it when Baxter (Jack Lemmon) finally stands up to his boss played by Fred MacMurray. I love our elevator girl Fran Kubelik played by Shirley MacLaine and I always adore Jack Lemmon. He has something I just love. Every actor holds their own. Nobody feels out of place which is a big plus.

The story is something I don't want to spoil but it all revolves around CC Baxter loaning out his apartment keys to people higher up the corporate ladder. He uses them to get higher up, they use him for a place to crash with their lady friends.

Anyway my words can't do this Billy Wilder masterpiece justice. If you haven't seen it by now, what are you waiting for. It is one of Wilder's best, it is one of my favorites of all time.

"I said I had no family. I didn't say I had an empty apartment."

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