Review by Ulises86

Drive My Car 2021

The way the movie elaborates human feelings is authentic...but is it ideal for a movie? The main character doesn't know how to feel about what happened untill the end of the movie.."I understand now" he says, talking about his life and the relationship with his wife. The young actor says he felt like empty before meeting Oto. The actors need to read the script endlessly before it starts flowing through them and still it is something that happens just for them, a short connection (the scene of the two actresses playing in the park), while the others (and ourselves as spectators) can only guess what happened. We are so used to see instant reactions to serious problems by characters who know who they are and how they're suppose to feel that they never doubt it because it is much more cinematic this way. This movie is about how hard is to recognize and even name what stirs within our hearts, and when we finally get it, it is often too late, just as for uncle Vania who wasted the best years of his life. We need time to get there, that's why the rhythm is so slow. Cinematic? Not really. Still so real.

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@ulises86 Well said. Takatsuki, the young actor's speech and performance in that scene blew me away. It looked like he was on the verge of tears. So much that he said, and the things they did not say....

I felt Drive My Car was very cinematic, on par with films like Lawrence of Arabia. Then again I love driving. Ultimately (and sadly) not a film for everyone perhaps.
