Things just keep getting more intense and man am I enjoying it. Fisk, even in situations like this, was completely calm and composed, knowing exactly how to deal with Daredevil, using his connections to the media to pin everything on him. Also, I enjoyed the dialogue between Fisk and Matt, where Fisk basically said "were not so different, you and I," because Fisk and Matt both share such similar and opposing ideologies, wanting to do everything they deem neccesary to rebuild Hell's Kitchen and eradicate everything they see wrong with it, but unlike Fisk, Matt doesnt have the social, political or economic power to make radical changes to the corruption of Hell's Kitchen, restricted by what he can do with his own bare hands. I also liked the interactions between Vladimir and Matt, as Matt was trapped in an abandoned building surrouded by cops paid off by Fisk. There interactiosn really highlighted how ignorant Matt was about Fisk's power, all the connects he has in the city, along with his men like Leslie who can connect various mafias and criem syndicates together on an global scale. (i.e working with the Chinese). Also, Vladimir was kinda a wake up call to Matt, essentially telling Matt that the path he's going on will just lead to more violence and eventually murder, making Matt become more like the exact thing he despises. And man, I was enjoying the little duo betwen Vladimir and Matt, it sucks Vlad had sacrificed himself so that Matt could go on by myself, on his quest to take down Fisk. Also poor Matt, having to struggle with slowly becomign what he despises, as he takes this painful and semeingly hopeless path for rebuiling Hell's Kitchen and taking out Fisk. Also, like usual, I enjoyed the moments between Foggy and Karen, and especially seeing how much they cared for Matthew and Mrs C. And man, learning just how close Foogy and Matt are was heartwarming, with them willing to put down there lives to save eachother, and w/them forming an brotherly relationship. Also, my man Ben was right on the scene, I hope this story is a massive scoop for him. Also, man that detective Blake is one awful person.

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