+Cersei in jail
+Alfie Allen

*Arya the Oysteress

-The Meereen dialogues between Dany and Tyrion are probably something that a lot of show fans will wet their pants about but I was very underwhelmed with how predictable and uninteresting they were. It's like they mention something that could breed interesting arguments (such as Jaime killing her crazy father) but they kind of just skip over them and she makes decisions that directly contradict exactly what Tyrion just said. Also Jorah selling himself into slavery was just plain bad storytelling and I can already tell they're going to have Drogon kill him at the opening of the grand pit

(to elaborate on Hardhome, I think it was a very enjoyable bit of the show particularly the negotiations but it also contradicts what we know about the Wights by not having them set fire to the wights and instead treating it like some BS Walking Dead action scene)

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