Review by manicure

The Dark Knight Rises 2012

I used to hate the guts of the plot holes in this movie, but honestly, the only thing that still bothers me ten years later is the infamous Fernet Branca plot twist at the end. The other gaps in logic and weird plot points are actually quite common in Nolan's trilogy from its very beginning, so why should we start caring now?

The tone is much closer to "Batman Begins" than it is to "The Dark Knight", just on a much higher budget and with possibly even more extravagant superhero tropes involved (which can be both a quality or a flaw depending on what you are looking for). It does not live up to the expectations, but it still works as a decent ending for an imperfect trilogy. It was good to see the whole Gotham fight alongside Batman instead of waiting to be saved as usual, and it really felt like the stakes skyrocketed during the civil war chunk of the plot.

The length used to bother me, but I now realize that it's actually much shorter than most recent blockbusters. The set-up is a little too slow, but at least I didn't risk falling asleep like with "Batman Begins".

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