It seems a bit unfair to judge a46-year old movie by today's standards, but I'm a latecomer to the "Josey Wales" dance, having never seen it before. As someone has pointed out, the opening scenes are horribly was almost bad enough to cause me to stop watching, but I wanted to give it a fair shake, and it was Clint Eastwood, so I had to at least try. The acting got a teeny bit better (nothing Oscar-worthy, though, so don't hold your breath) and there were some flashes of brilliance. ("Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy.") But overall, it was far too long and drawn out, especially considering there was never much of a back story. Apart from revenge, what happened to cause Josey Wales to become such a renowned and wanted outlaw? We have absolutely no idea. From all appearances, he was nothing more than just a poor "dirt farmer" (to coin Louis L'Amour's famous term) content to live out his life in the middle of nowhere. Yet by the end of the film, he's known and wanted all over the country, able to singlehandedly take out a small army by himself, and talk a tribe of Comanche indians into making peace with the white man.... I don't know. I'm a big fan of Clint Eastwood, but this one was a disappointment. Like I said, it had a few moments, but they were few and far between and not worth sitting through a 2+-hour movie for. The biggest thing is, with a movie that long, I kept expecting them to tell us how Josey Wales came to be such a bad hombre, but they never did. Not sorry I watched it, but I certainly couldn't recommend it to anyone...not even Clint Eastwood fans. There are better ones out there.

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@hubes-0a31c592-8851-4ddf-8e72-a7a20966824a I agree with your assessment. Having just watched Pale Rider and in that film Eastwood has super skills as a gunfighter; there's no need to show his backstory, its implied and presented in a way that works. Here in Josey Wales, however, in the beginning Josey can barely hit a fence post. Presumably through the montage of his association with the Confederate crew, Josey picks up all the gunfighting, and other communication skills he needs but you really have to stretch your imagination. Its left out. It would have been better to just suggest from the beginning that he some retired special ops dude or whatever canned trope.
