I watch Hellsing Ultimate, and the first thing I learn about Alucard is that he's a virgin. Nice. So far, I already agree with the consensus that Hellsing Ultimate is better than Hellsing (2001). Seras Victoria is more badass (and with a backstory too!), and actually quite funny and endearing. I like her relationship with Alucard here better too; there are more words of guidance and some playful banter, and I personally get the sense that Alucard is somewhat fond of Victoria or at least wanted someone (not strictly in the romantic sense). I didn't expect the humorous tone and change in art styles to convey such in this series, but they aren't unwelcome. There is more exposition yet they feel natural enough, and I don't feel like I'm grasping at crumbs. Like what felt like a petty feud between the Iscariot Organization in Hellsing really came across as a turf war and matters of boundaries and jurisdiction here.

I initially did not like that Alucard gave Seras the choice to be a vampire before he shot her. In Hellsing, he informed her of what he was going to do beforehand. But then I realized that might play a role in Seras's attachment to her humanity, and reluctance to become a full-fledged vampire. Here's to hoping?

It was interesting that Integra's backstory and Alucard's release was revealed so early on.

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