Review by Snowy_CapHaddock

American Underdog 2021

  • Ser'Darius is a great name
  • Seeing Casey and Chuck high 5 in the first couple of minutes is bringing back early '10s memories
  • Now I know it's a movie. An "american dream tropes" movie, furthermore. But at this point I would just like to see - not even experience, just see - for once in real life the Love-At-First-Sight-In-A-Bar. Has it ever happened? Does it happen only in Iowa? Who knows
  • Was the "wrong drinks" on purpose or just left in the final cut?
  • Man, that speech about football gotta be the most stereotypical sport movie sum of sentences I've ever heard. Even Anna Paquin couldn't fake a "oh, that's insightful" face haha
  • Zachary going "Zach" "That's a good name", nice touch there
  • Nice house scene, good chemistry
  • 1.65m vs 1.91m
  • "Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, until you can do what you want to do"
  • "Life's not about what you can achieve, it's about what you can become"
  • Dennis Quaid's in the house, and "The Rookie" memories with him
  • [1.22.00] DV: "How long for you in the wilderness, son?" KW: [puzzled] DV: [chuckles] "How long out of college" KW: "Right. Well, yeah, I mean, it's, uh.. It's been a few years. But sir, that doesn't mean that I don't know how to play-" DV: "Fourteen. For me. Fourteen years out of coaching. I burnt out. I'm not embarassed to say it. Took a year off, turned out to be a decade and a half. And when I did come back, they said I was a retread, has-been, too old. Game had passed me by, all that stuff. All that same stuff that they're gonna say about you. What they didn't know... was [that] all that experience that I had in those years - made me who I am. Made me ready for this moment. Gave me something others didn't have. And I see that in you, Kurt"
  • Soundtrack gives a nice vibe, holds well

Nice sport movie, simple, straight, inspirational

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