Review by aniforprez

The Leftovers 2014

I'm not sure I agree with all the 10s. Thought I'd find something far more compelling than what I got. It's not bad by any means and I enjoyed the show all the way through. Does it answer all the questions you have? Not really. But some of the answers don't really matter anyway and I didn't really care about them anyhow

But it's still not something I would really care to watch or recommend particularly. It's a love story at its core. Almost everything else is merely set dressing even if it's quite compelling. The mystery pulls you through but ultimately, I don't think I liked some of the characters enough to care about what they wanted or went through. Especially in the first season, almost every character is decidedly unlikeable and even by the final season, some of them remain quite selfish and arrogant. I don't mind the ending but the off-screen resolutions to most of the characters felt throwaway. I wish we'd got more at the end with everyone involved rather than just two of the characters cause even if they're unlikeable, I was still compelled to see their journeys

Not sure I liked this show as much as everyone else did but you don't have to believe me

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