Shout by whitsbrain

Avengers: Infinity War 2018

Imagine for a moment, a future where Disney experiences financial difficulties and shuts down Marvel Studios, making this the last of the MCU films. This scenario would provide "Avengers: Infinity War" with the single most devastating and shocking ending in cinematic history.

I've been very critical of the lack of danger and consequences in Superhero movies. But not this time. This ending was dark. There was no snatching victory from the jaws of defeat to be had.

People in my theater sat in stunned silence as the credits rolled. I gleefully laughed. Finally, a tent-pole movie with balls.

Unfortunately, it's not really an ending. If it were, I guarantee people would never stop talking about it. But nothing popular ever ends because companies can sell more tickets, toys and ads.

I'm rating this higher than it deserves and pretending for now that this is the last MCU movie.

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