Shout by whitsbrain

The Tunnel 2011

My addiction to movies about conspiracies drew me to this story about something lurking in the tunnels under Sydney, and the government isn't telling.

It mixes documentary style interviews with found footage from a camera crew that's hunted by the tunnel dwelling things. It's about as unattractive visually as you can get. The tunnels that the crew is trapped in are grimy and tight. Most of the footage is extremely grainy. If you are claustrophobic, you shouldn't watch this.

There were multiple occasions when I looked away from the screen. Not because of gore or even because something was scary. I just knew there was a cheap jump scare coming and I didn't feel like jumping off my couch. Of course, the same thing happens when my wife taps me on the shoulder when I don't know she's behind me. And guess what? That's not scary either. It's just a surprise.

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