Shout by whitsbrain

Her 2013

Because it's a good idea to always say something nice, "Her" has some great shots of cityscapes and some subtle, futuristic costuming.

With that out of the way, "Her" features a simpering, loathing, ultra-sensitive male named Theodore. He falls in love with a newly developed, artificially intelligent operating system that he names Samantha. He did this because his wife has left him and is demanding that he sign their divorce papers. As Theodore struggles with his First World Problems, his conceited, insufferable, self-important friends split up, too. Then we get to spend the next two hours listening to them all pout about their self-inflicted, emotional wounds. God, I hated the people in this movie.

Theodore's operating system/girlfriend Samantha leaves him later in the movie because she has been communicating with other systems and is "moving on". For a moment, I thought the movie was about to pull a "Colossus: The Forbin Project" or Skynet level surprise on us. Maybe the operating systems colluded to take over the world! But no...Samantha the OS leaves Theodore too, and he gets even more wrapped up in his pathetic little, self-absorbed existence.

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