I think "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" is the worst of the original cast Trek movies. Until I saw this movie that honor had gone to "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock" but there is little doubt that "Frontier" is worse. The story idea is appealing but will likely be a letdown to anyone who watches it. The Trek-trifecta (Kirk Spock and McCoy) really own this story. "Frontier" is about their friendship. All of the other cast members are along to be manipulated or for comedy relief. There have been a lot of stories about Industrial Light & Magic being cut out of the effects budget for this movie. If that is the case it certainly shows as most of the effects in this movie are dreadful. From Spock's rocket boots to the animated shots of a speeding shuttlecraft these are the worst effects I've seen in a late '80s major motion picture. Director William Shatner's vision of the barrier that guards "Heaven" is not exactly awe-inspiring either. "The Final Frontier" also suffers when the scenes require the lovable cast members to do something physical. Their age (and weight) certainly hinders many of the action scenes.

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