Review by whitsbrain

The Dark Knight Rises 2012

I saw this only once in the theater. Given Nolan's track record of terrific films I should probably see it again before I add my own thoughts. But no one is going to learn anything from me about what the filmmaker was trying to relay. There has been so much said about "The Dark Knight Rises" that all I can add is how it affected me.

I was truly on the edge of my seat while watching this. There were many moments that had my heart racing. I cared about the characters and I hated the villian. And when I say hated I mean Bane was portrayed well but I hated him. Everything that he stood for as I interpreted it. This is a very political movie. There is no hiding the fact that this is a commentary on class envy even class warfare. I am not a rich man. I have more than some and less than others. This movie spoke to me about what happens when the "Robin Hood" theory is applied to the way things work today. And that something is the total breakdown of a society that's far from perfect but one that works for most. When you have nothing to work for nothing to strive for you have nothing.

As it turns out Bane was a tyrant. Who though he offered the city to "The People" placed himself into the position of Ruler. The parallels to the "Occupy" movement are clear and the point the movie is making about that movement is not complimentary. It also takes its shots at the "rich" but to its credit relays what happens when everything belongs to everyone. And it isn't a pretty sight.

Social commentary aside there aren't many movies/films (whatever) that offer such exciting action sequences with quieter moments that actually require you to pay close attention. I have read some of the Critics' reviews and they often complain of a story too long or too complicated but their thoughts fly in the face of what they normally claim to desire. That is a story that makes you think. Those that are overly negative about this clearly accomplished film are either tired of the Superhero genre or they don't like the point it's trying to make.

It is sad to note that Nolan claims this is his last "Batman" film. It has been one of the most enjoyable series I've ever watched.

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