Review by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Voyager: Season 1

1x11 State of Flux

Quote of the day

Captain: How long will it take to set this up?
Chief engineer: [...] by tomorrow.
Captain: I want it done by the end of the day.
Chief engineer: No captain. When I say tomorrow, I mean tomorrow.

Finally. Someone said it. Scotty, Geordie, Miles - they never had the guts to say the obvious. This silly running joke had to stop eventually.

One remark about Tuvok: last episode Tuvok won some depth as his logic made him clandestinely aquire this teleportation device. Good. But in general it's hard to like Vulcans. This includes Tuvok. Tuvok is really only interesting when he starts to investigate crimes or conundrums and uses his logic to lay out alternatives. He could be sort of a Sherlock with pointy ears but this show never really capitalized on this natural character trait (well, not until Seven came into the picture and took over this part). If they had not this big reset button after each episode, Tuvok would of course had included himself as a suspect since he has proven that he's open to that sort of illicit give and take bargains. Given all what happens in this episode and what happened last episode, tensions and mistrust among the crew should rise. But the show isn't "Dark Star Trek" (a term coined for DS9) - everybody always behaves well and controlled and is one happy crew. And when there's a traitor - like in this episode - that's mostly depicted as a conflict between two former Marquis members. If there's never serious conflict between both groups what's the whole point then of the whole Marquis story element?

That's a mediocre episode. It had potential but it never was existential, consequential or contributed to a season regular's depth or character (betrayed Chakotay couldn't care less). The only person that gained depth, got an intriguing (but not new - compare that Kira Nerys story of DS9) background story as a Cardassian in disguise and a secret love affair with a senior officer - that would be Seska - beamed off the board. Just like that.

Plus, who thought it was a good to model the Kazon Nistrim after Bob Marley?

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