Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-12-19T13:36:42Z— updated 2022-04-23T17:15:33Z

Nothing comforts anxiety like a little nostalgia.

If anything, Hollywood has boiled that concept down to a science over the past few years, as this film is basically a summary of everything that’s wrong with the industry in a neat, 148 minute package.
It thinks it’s meta and self-aware by pointing out how cynical and cheap franchise filmmaking is.
That might sound similar set-up as 22 Jump Street, but this film proceeds to be cheap and cynical itself without saying anything substantial beyond its own set up, so it embraces what it’s trying to criticize.
Everything in this movie is structured as an excuse to show stuff you’ve seen before, there are little to no original concepts or ideas that push the franchise in an interesting direction.
It’s mostly a rehash of the first film (mixed with some stuff from Reloaded and Revolutions in the second half), except the action isn’t nearly as good, it’s more predictable and convenient, the performances are nowhere near as memorable (that’s what you get from replacing your 2 best actors), it looks uglier and more synthetic, the pacing isn’t as tight, and it’s a lot more dull because of how much it overexplains itself.
It also ditches the cyberpunk aesthetic, and replaces it with something a lot more bland and boring, stripping the franchise from a lot of its personality.
It’s honestly quite an accomplishment when you think about it: the original is one of the best, most successful, big budget films ever made that still maintained a strong artistic and alternative impulse.
This, on the other hand, couldn’t be any more lowest common denominator if it tried to.
It’s a parody of itself and modern blockbuster filmmaking.
I suppose that was Lana Wachowski’s goal to some extent, but it isn’t very compelling to watch.


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@jordyep top notch analysis but quite harsh on the rating. It was still decently funny to watch

@hagbard a real watch for a fan fic movie

@jordyep The last line from Neil Patrick, for me, upped the score from 3 to 4. It was a great delivery.
Great review you wrote there, summarized my experience pretty good; but you missed the classic trope in recent years of "Destroy the good old, to give credibility to the new and bland."

The movie felt boring, had no idea what to do with so many "main" characters (it actually, technically, lacked a main character that the audience could follow along with), miss-paced and full of dialogue lines explaining stuff, instead of showing ("Show, don't tell" is a ded concept and will remain ded). My take on the movie is of a low budget fan-fic video, from a couple of art students, that had a ten RTX 3090 "borrower" from the science lab and a couple of months to waste on a 3d render, using brute force, not talent, to "film?" a scene.

Rant: The green screen blending, especially in the train scene, were so shit that they even cut away from them, not even tracking the object; the object being the thrown-out-of-the-train chick. It was about an hour into the movie, min 49-50 if anyone cares to re-watch, check and have a laugh. It (the scene) even screamed out at me "pay attention now, it will be carnage here" because they had a miss-match of either focus, resolution or both, between the real part of the set and what was projected onto the GS, in such a bad way that the borders of the crop-out were too obvious not to notice. Or i was so bored that my brain found something better the be entertained by. I did better GS work in highschool, over a decade ago.

Edit: I had low hopes for the movie to be good, BUT i Wanted it to be good. < for a review it is important, i think, to point out the mind-set prior to viewing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@jordyep While I agree with a lot of what you said here, I still enjoyed it, and I do think there were some new elements (but few & far between).
There were a few moments in the movie that made me think that Lana was only making this/letting it be made so that she could be in control of killing The Matrix franchise, so that WB couldn't sucks its blood for years to come (like Disney arguably is/has been doing to Star Wars). Like, they basically explicitly say so within the text of the movie.
That said, I'm not sure if it works in that sense. If anything, it just lowers the bar for the quality we can expect from Matrix-related media going forward.

@nitemice I agree, which makes it even crazier that WB greenlit this script
