Review by Clobby Clobsters

Community: Season 5

5x05 Geothermal Escapism

Abed: "Oh, and because the non-awesome often need incentive to do awesome stuff, the final survivor will win my near-mint condition number one issue of Space Clone, valued by the Comics Authority at $50 000."
[Dean stutters.]
Dean: "I'm sorry?"
Abed: "The floor turns to lava in 10..."
[All panicking.]
Abed: "Nine, eight, seven..."
Dean: "Did you say 15 or 50 000?"
Abed: "Six."
Dean: "Oh, who am I kidding? Help, lava!"

Duncan: "You stay back, Britta! I'm not afraid to push a girl into make-believe lava."

Duncan: "Well, I'm sorry, Britta, but it's either you or me...
Duncan: "And I'm me."

Jeff: "You claiming this? Lava joust?!"
Britta: "Did you all hit your heads on each other's heads?"

All: "Locker, locker, locker. Locker, locker."
Anne: "Locker boys!"

  • Omg

Buzz: "Hiya, kids"

  • That's a vehicle

Britta: "Well, it's time to grow up. The adults are here, and we're gonna tear down your fort. Chair walkers, attack!"
[Britta howling. Chair walkers howling.]
Britta: "Who's there, bitch?! Floor! FLOOOOOOOOR!!"

Troy: "You are the coolest guy I know. I hope I make you proud."
[Jeff whispers.]
Jeff: "I've never stepped foot outside of Colorado. You're becoming way cooler than me by doing this."

Burton: "Captain Barnes. We should probably set sail while the wind is still in our favour, don't you think?"
[Troy stares.]
Abed: "Engage."

  • Well that was a weird cut
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