Review by Nancy L Draper

Locke & Key 2020


Review by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2021-11-27T02:45:25Z— updated 2022-08-23T17:53:44Z

This has an interesting and unique premise. The location shots are magnificent and are of some of the most beautiful places on the planet (and within driving distance of my home). The acting of the principal performers is excellent. But, the writing and the auxiliary acting too often slip off their axels. At the end of season one, I was handing out 9s (superb) but the season premiere for season two fell to a 4 (bad) with bad acting, poor writing and sloppy logic. For the balance of season 2 there were great moments contradicted by glaring inconsistencies and no faithfulness to a canon. I would just get caught up in the mysteries, drama and storytelling and then it would all come crashing down with really poor characters, performances or flaws in the narrative. It was disappointing. Without spoiling anything, the finale of season 1 & 2 were divided into two parts. They begin with good news (something worthy of a series finale) and then take a sharp turn (as if they just found out they had been renewed and needed a new premise). Unfortunately, season 2 seemed to be founded on the weakest characters and storylines. If there has not been a final season 3, I would have had to average out the superb with the bad and give this series a 7 (worth a watch but beware the pitfalls) out of 10. Fortunately, Season 3 was a steady climb to excellence of pilot and performance of which we had had glimpses of previously. I give the series an 8 (great) out of 10 [Fantasy Mystery]

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