+ Tyrion Getting kidnapped by Jorah
+ Jon and Stannis material
+ Cersei, High Septon, and Margaery stuff

-- Littlefinger's plan is the dumbest thing they could have come up with
- Arya's training is feeling rushed already
-- Very little actually happens in this episode

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Littlefinger's plan would make more sense to you if you've read the books...

I did read the books, marrying Harrold Hardyng makes complete sense, sending Sansa to marry a known psychopath because he thinks she might be able to use him (even though she clearly wont) is absolutely retarded. Littlefinger is supposed to be a guy who knows everything about everyone and only makes smart bets from behind closed doors, not a guy who does random shit that may easily turn into a catastrophe, especially when he's betting literally the one person who he gives a shit about. it goes against every fiber of his character
