Shout by Shay

Maid 2021

as a domestic abuse survivor, this show is hard to watch. it brings back all of those muddy, icky, second-guessing feelings and a lot of the thoughts i remember having myself. but it's also kinda therapeutic watching someone else go through something similar, hearing (on tv) someone blatantly validate emotional abuse is really important for a lot of people, because a lot of abuse starts that way. before they escalate to hitting you and pushing you down the stairs they scream and yell at you and blame you for everything.

and while this show is about domestic abuse, it's also about surviving and making it out. i appreciate more than i can say with words that there are shows depicting what these types of situations are like and for giving hope to anyone stuck in these situations that there is a way out of it.

margaret qualley has done a fantastic job with this role. definitely a show worth watching.

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