Britta: "I'm volunteering at the animal hospital."
Troy: "Animal hospital?"
Abed: "The animals are patients."
Troy: "That makes sense."

Troy: "Do you know how many sitcoms have done the 'secretly replace a broken, priceless item' thing? 'Cause Abed does. Abed knows everything, and I know you think you can think your way out of this with your thinkiness, but don't think too much. You just have to confess. Okay?"
Annie: "Okay."

Abed: "Something's gotta be done."
Troy: "Oh, let's not leap to thing-doing. Right, Annie?"
Annie: [Squealing]

Jeff: "You were Big Cheddar?"
Shirley: "Who told you that... Oh, dear Lord. You're Tinkletown?"

  • It just got animated, wtf

Abed: "Hey, guys."
Troy: "Abed, where have you been?"
Annie: "Troy, really?"

Pierce: "Since when are those two so close?"

  • That final shot, wow


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