• What's with the name cards?

Britta: "If we're shooting this weekend, why are these cameras here?"
Dean: "Abed, true to form, has decided to do the weird thing and film a documentary instead of helping."

Jeff: "Welcome to Dean-dale Community Colle-dean. I'm a silly goose. Honk, honk. Dean-a-lee-doo. Look at me."

  • Wow, he's got him pegged

Dean: "Can I just say, I loved you in... In... IMDb."
Luis: "See you soon, man."
Dean: "That was tragic."

Britta: "It's great that he got a celebrity, but why reshoot everything?"
Abed: "Perfectionism. Dean's first step down a road that ends in self-destruction."
Britta: "That sounds horrible."
Abed: "Actually, I might end up taking this to some festivals."

Britta: "I'm in Psych 101, and even i don't know what's happening."
Abed: "The Dean is going insane and taking all of you with him."
Troy: "If you know that, then do something!"
Abed: "I'm doing everything I can. I only have so many cameras."

Annie: "The Dean had his seventh epiphany today which has given me an epiphany of my own. The Dean is a genius. He has to be. If he isn't, i've given almost two weeks of my life to an idiot. That is unacceptable. Therefore, the Dean is a genius. And I will die protecting his vision."
Abed: "Are you by any chance familiar with Stockholm Syndrome?"

Dean: "I thought you were a fly on the wall."
Abed: "Some flies are too awesome for the wall."

Thank you, Greendale.


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