I don't get nearly as excited about the MCU as I used to (mostly because they're churning out movies and TV shows at a rate that I just can't keep up with), but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Definitely worth watching.

Some loose thoughts/things I enjoyed below (spoilers are marked):
- the story is good, the 2nd act is kind of slow, but it picks up towards the end
- the fight scenes are super cool and creative (especially the one on the bus and the one on the scaffolding)
- I liked the way they utilized the rings in fights, it felt really fresh and like something we haven't seen before
- the final battle is actually awesome (monkey brain loves big monsters and explosions)
- the cast is excellent (I'm particularly thrilled to see Awkwafina getting more recognition)
- the soundtrack is beautiful and I love the way they used traditional Chinese melodies
- badass women all around (Michelle Yeoh my beloved)
- impeccable CGI
- some gorgeous scenery
- loved the callback to the Mandarin mess from Iron Man 3
- Brie Larson cameo (I know the fandom has collectively decided to hate her, but I don't care, that was a treat for me and me only)
- Xialing effectively utilizing girl power by taking over her father's crime empire (I feel like there was definitely some comic book reference flying over my head there but who cares). My friend and I joked that she'll be getting a Disney+ series shortly

Overall, it was a treat. Strongly recommend.

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I actually ended up liking the Disney+ MCU shows more than the films. (Minus the solo). More grounded, better effects/choreography/music, stories and acting. Going to check this out now.

@aniela-krajewska To be fair, Brie Larson brought the hate on all by herself.

She had NETFLIX attack fans for disliking a movie she made, she lied about not using a stunt double (which you can turn as you want, she took credit for the work of another person - in that case even a woman, something she is accusing men as a whole gender of doing).
And when people showed pictures of her and her stunt double, what did she do? Did she appoligize to the stunt double for taking credit and the fans for lying about it? No, she tried to wiggle her way out of it and sunk deeper.

I would put her and Tom Cruise somewhat on the same level of the narcicism-scale, with the difference, that Tom doesn't tell such obvious lies to make himself look better.

When she had her cameo I could only think: "You have to leave? Great - please stay busy somewhere else...".

I hope they give her spot to Elisabeth Olsen (since Scarlet Johannson whom I adore isn't an option anymore after killing off Natasha...) - she is doing an exceptional job bringing her character to life and gives credit to other people where it is due.

@aniela-krajewska The fight scene on the scaffolds is actually an homage to Jackie Chan's scene in Rush Hour 2. Definitely worth a watch


but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Definitely worth watching.
Strongly recommend.

gives a score of 6

@appoxo99 i haven't rated this movie and i have no idea why you think i have. Are you referring to the star with a 6 next to my user name? If so, that means I've been a vip member for 6 years.

@aniela-krajewska Yeah my bad. Stupid system :sweat_smile:

@player8472 really!? can you tell me more about what you have found? when did brie larson lied about that? what was the context?
